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Sunday Bulletin & Announcements
8:30 Worship
10:45 Service Bulletin
Weekly Announcements
Sunday Livestream on YouTube
Full ECOHS calendar can be seen here
Nightly Compline
8:00 pm - Livestreamed on YouTube
The service of Compline begins on p 127 of your prayer book.
Link to full Book of Common Prayer
Upcoming Events
Family Promise: Week of October 13th
Blessing of the Animals: Sunday, October 13th at 3:00 pm
Backpacks of Love Ingathering: October 13th
Honduras Mission Trip Presentation: Sunday, Oct. 20th after the late service
Red Door Festival: October 26th, 10:00 am –2:00 pm
Trunk or Treat: Sunday, October 27th after the late service
All Souls’ Service: Saturday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm
Diocesan Council: November 8-9th
Parish Meeting, Vestry Elections, Stewardship Sunday: November 10th
“They'll know we are Christians by our Love”
Be the first on your block to receive your pledge packet following the services. Read, mark, and inwardly digest the material, and you will be amazed and filled with gratitude for Holy Spirit. Please prayerfully respond with your completed 2025 Commitment form by November 10th or select the button above.
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