Adult Christian Education
Education for Ministry (EFM) - Christianity is a rich and ancient faith tradition, but in truth many of us don't understand it well and feel ambivalent about its place in a complex and confusing world. EfM meets weekly and covers core theological material including the Old Testament, New Testament and Church history. Far richer than academic study, most of the time is spent testing and learning, sharing life experience and opinions with one another, as we learn how to incorporate a living faith into everyday life.
Four year in-depth program to learn the Christian faith. (Tuesdays in the Parish Hall, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m., September to May.)
Bible & Book Study - Studies of books of the Bible and other spiritual texts. Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Thursdays at 10:30 am.
Click here for the Lectionary Page where you can select the lessons for the upcoming weeks.