Pastoral Support
The Pastoral Support Group is a team of dedicated parishioners who gather monthly to share concerns and care needs of members of the congregation. Generally, one of our priests also attends this meeting. Discussion is confidential but always seeks ways to serve church members in Christ’s name and love. Hospital and home visits, phone calls and prayer notes are some ways support is given, in addition to the Meal Train which provides meals to those who have been ill or have special needs.
Intercessory Prayer
When a prayer request is received, the name will go on the Intercessors List and/or the church bulletin. Urgent prayer needs are sent out promptly to the Intercessors by group email. Names are on the lists for a month or three months as preferred, then are removed unless otherwise requested.
Ladies' Spirituality Series
A pastoral ministry to all women of the church, helping them to slow down to nurture themselves, while supporting women in ministry who carry out many of the other ministries of the church.